Taco Nights @ MGM

It’s Friday night and the casino is jumping. Lots of party-goers in elegant cocktail dresses and their deep-pocket dates adorned in smart casual.

Meanwhile at the National Market, players, dealers and the casual diners are stopping for food and libations before continuing on with their weekend festivities.

Cars are lined up out in the street to enter the four-deck parking garage and the lines are long for the elevators. Most go straight to the gaming house. Some are drawn to the street tacos at Amo Los Tacos (Love the Tacos)

You can get the Chorizo, the Carne Asado, Fish or Chicken. If you’re not a big fan of tacos, try the Chicken Quesadilla. They have the right ratio of light warm tortilla with hot and succulent chicken and cheese.

When the sun sets over the Potomac River, the view from the MGM veranda is breathtaking.