Jose Pequeno — My American Hero

Posing proudly with the Family

Running allows me to meet people I would never have a chance to see if only walking.  And today, running presented me a rich blessing in the form of a true Miracle.

It is such a honor and privilege to personally meet my American Hero, Jose Pequeno, his mother, Nellie and his sister, Elizabeth, just a day after they were all honored at the patriotic Memorial Day concert yesterday.

After the concert and being truly touched by their inspirational story, the first thing I did when I went home was read more online.  When I informed Nellie this, she pointed me to the website: — Elizabeth has journaled their remarkable story of recovery on Caring Bridge regularly and it was a wonderful and inspirational way to learn more about their incredible gift of love.

What was wonderful was that Jose looked great and was so strong. I knew that he could hear me and understand my true words of thanks — I was deeply touched by their love, spirit and immense faith — my prayers are with Jose, Nellie, Elizabeth and the rest of their loving family.

Running has changed my life — and today, running has led me to a true American Hero — someone who I’ll never forget.  Jose, I salute you! Thank you Jose, Nellie and Elizabeth!

Posing proudly with my American Hero, Jose Pequeno