Stopped by Border Patrol

Drove from Laredo to another bordertown Eagle Pass. Utility recently built a sales facility on 40 acres of land on US-57 only three miles away from  its new refrigerated trailer factory in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico.

It’s a brand new state-of-the-art facility and they’ve yet to update their location on Google.

In fact, Google has two locations for the Utility sales facility with the primary location at a Border Patrol checkpoint six miles away.

So both Google and my Garmin Truckers GPS took me towards the Border Patrol Checkpoint. When I realized this couldn’t possibly be the right location, I called Utility who informed me that it was wrong.

So I quickly turned around and headed south towards the actual physical location. I picked up speed on US-57. Then I looked at my rear-view mirrors and noticed a Border Patrol cruiser with sirens blaring.

I pulled over expecting the officer to approach my cab. Instead he signaled for me to get out. He started barking at me in Spanish. I returned a dumb founded look and he quickly realized that I spoke English.

He started asking me a ton of questions like where I was coming from, why I didn’t have a trailer, my citizenship and even why I had a funny name. Meanwhile the other officer started inspecting my cab for any migrants or contraband.

Even though I was in a rush, I found the whole situation amusing.

“Can I take a picture?” I asked

“No, you cannot. You’re detained and not allowed to do anything except answer my questions.”

I rolled my eyes incredulously.

Thankfully they didn’t find anything and quickly released me.

I headed straight to Utility and told them what happened.

They agreed that Google has the wrong address, but they didn’t seem like it was a big deal.

It may not be a big deal for the locals who know where the facility is. But for out-of-town truckers like me, it could have prevented me from getting lost and getting pulled over by the Border Patrol.